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What the Heck is the American Whiskey Convention?

What the Heck is the American Whiskey Convention?

I practically hopped off the plane from the Bahamas, took a quick shower, and was off to the American Whiskey Convention on April 5th. It was a huuuuge event with over 250 tastings that filled the gorgeous Penn Museum! 

For 3+ hours attendees had access to try all the whiskey humanly possible which was a serious challenge, but for the $___ ticket it was gonna happen. I was 10 tastings in and already feeling it! I remember tasting one that I was seriously obsessed with!! It had a coffee undertone and I was alllllll about it! Daniel preferred more of the classic options (typical), but he also was so impressed! He was in whiskey heaven!! 

I’ll be totally honest, I’m not a HUGE fan of whiskey. I truly prefer tequila, BUT I was willing to give this convention a shot, especially since I knew so many of my male followers would be excited to follow along through my IG stories!! One of my favorite parts of the convention (besides the coffee whiskey and food of course) was being able to hear the history of each brand, get a better sense of WHO is BEHIND the bottles, how each blend is made, etc. Going from table to table can seem repetitive, but it really wasn’t considering every vendor wanted to tell you how proud they were of their whiskey. I got in so many meaningful conversations with the brand reps + owners – it was delightful! It also was fun to collect all the freebies as we went along! Coasters, magnets, pins, etc. 

So I mentioned there was food – let’s get back to that! In the third or maybe it was the fourth room they had an entire all-you-can-eat buffet set up with baked beans, mac n cheese, brisket sandwiches, and an entire pig roast!!! I don’t eat non-kosher meat, BUT all my foodie friends approved all the dishes. Daniel and I loved the baked beans – they were smoky and packed with flavor.

Each room was FULL of people chatting, tasting, mingling, networking, and of course smiling ear to ear since they were full of some high-quality whiskey. And there were actually a few non-whiskey vendors too! One station had a margarita, another had alcohol infused cakes, alcohol infused icings, aaaaand an entire table from Art in the Age in Old City that sells the coolest bar + cocktail tools and accessories. I’m a huge fan of them and was happy to see them represented at the convention! 

Long story short: if you like whiskey, you belong at next year’s American Whiskey Convention! It was a reallllllly fun night packed with liquor enthusiasts who care about high quality whiskey. Give ‘em a follow on Instagram to stay in the loop for announcements and the next event! 

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